





Page 9 - shehuizeren2010
P. 9

Corporate social responsibility is a major trend across the world.   China Construction consolidates resources to promote new
            This involves an in-depth review of the fundamental objectives of   changes to our business model. We have signed agreements
            enterprise development and modes of development, provides the   for strategic cooperation with various provincial and municipal
            community with a new understanding of enterprises, re-positions the   governments. For instance, we signed a cooperation agreement
            values of enterprises, and results in new visions and new opportunities   valued at 500 billion RMB with the district authority of Beijing
            for enterprise development. The impacts of an enterprise on society   Mentou Gou. This is to promote the “Four in One” integrated
            and its value to society are the important benchmarks to evaluate   construction and development of the city.
            its success. The understanding and practice of business ethics,   China Construction strengthens our operating capital, to raise
            contributions to guiding industry codes and promoting the development   our competitiveness. Our total annual investment is 90 billion RMB.
            of the industry, and the recognition and implementation of social   Together with financing, the investment can leverage the advantages
            responsibility will be the path to sustainability that all enterprises must   of ensuring general contracting of projects. By participating in
            choose, in order to achieve global development and command respect   strategic development by local governments, we can broaden our
            from the public worldwide.                         scope for development.
                The construction industry is pivotal to human civilisation. As an   China Construction extensively promotes our three major
            important state-owned enterprise, China Construction is committed   marketing strategies, to improve the quality of enterprise
            to its role as a leading listed enterprise in global architectural   operations. Guided by the sales strategy of “Big market, big
            construction and property development. We are committed to the   developer, big projects”, we significantly enhance our product
            great mission of “Providing excellent construction projects and   portfolios.
            creating homes in harmony.” We have employed the seven colours   The past five years proved a most fruitful half-decade for
            of light to interpret our responsibilities, and consolidated them into   China Construction. We steadfastly upheld the concept of scientific
            power like sunshine. With the vision to lead development of the   development, restructuring of asset ownership, optimisation of
            industry, China Construction recognises the significant role social   asset restructuring, progressive business planning, enhanced
            responsibility can play in enhancing the Company and industry’s   integrated management, a results-focused corporate culture, the
            core competitiveness, and achieving sustainability. We will actively   development of the Communist Party, and our management team
            explore improved management, and practice social responsibility   and talented staff. When the Company grows by 2.1 times, our cost-
            in our operations, seeking ways to integrate our social and   effectiveness will increase five times over, together with strong
            environmental concerns into our business strategies, management   growth in staff remuneration. We shall fully reach the energy-
            and daily operations. The aim is to maximise the Company’s   efficiency and emission reduction targets of the Eleventh Five-
            economic, social and environmental benefits, and lead the whole   year Plan, and follow the State-owned Assets Supervision and
            industry towards sustainability.                   Administration Commission of the State Council’s recommendation
                In 2010, China Construction enjoyed another stellar year   for enterprises to reduce consolidated energy consumption by 20
            of implementing our strategy based on local and international   percent compared with 2005. We shall pioneer development of the
            experience. We have “Five changes” as our guiding principles,   industry, and set new benchmarks for other enterprises.
            including: strengthening enterprise management and operation,   Looking ahead, China Construction is entering an era of
            political responsibility, and social responsibility. In all these, we   invaluable development opportunity. We will adopt scientific
            achieved new progress and new developments.        development as a key principle, advance along the route towards
                China Construction pursues quality assurance and promotes   expediting enterprise development reforms, and follow the ways
            reforms in enterprise development. In 2010, we achieved especially   of thinking in terms of upgrading, innovation, open-mindedness,
            high growth in three operational benchmarks: value of new   learning, pioneering, and harmony – to draw up the great master
            contracts signed, operating revenue, and net profits. The value of   plan of “Becoming the most competitive enterprise in China and
            signed contracts was 801.5 billion RMB, 74.5 percent higher than in   entering the list of top 500 enterprises worldwide and top 10
            the previous year. Operating revenue increased by 42.3% percent, to   building contracting enterprises worldwide”together with the
            370.4 billion RMB.                                 practice of scientific development. In this new expedition, we are
                China Construction seizes national investment opportunities   committed to leading the industry to achieve new heights and
            and promotes structural change in enterprise operations. As a   development.
            result, we achieved a better balance between our three major   Responsibility requires transparency and communication. We
            sources of revenue: building construction, real estate investment,   wish to openly communicate with our stakeholders through this
            and infrastructure development.                    sunshine report in order to create a better future.
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