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承诺·精品·优质 筑客户品质之梦
            Commitment • Excellence • Quality  Realizing the Clients’ Dream of Quality

                            将客户需求置于首位,注重设计WEllBET手机吉祥官网                                                                                        案例 CASE
                 设计         审查、优化设计方案,明确设计质量
                Design      Prioritizing customer needs and attaching importance to design innovation
                            Reviewing and optimizing design scheme and making clear design quality                                     创建全国首个保障房“客户关系中心”
                            建立供应商 / 承建商管理流程,增强资质考察和评审                                                                                  青浦崧泽华城项目以“建设比商品房更好的保障房”为标准,建立全国首
                            制订物资采购管理办法,涵盖材料质量、到货验收、计划管理等                                                                               个保障房“客户关系中心”。中心服务动迁居民,解决交房过程中的各种
                 采购         采用逐家约谈的方式与所有供应商进行有针对性的沟通,落实服务细节
              Procurement   Establishing the management process of suppliers / contractors, and enhancing inspection and assessment of qualifications   问题,提供居民与物业相关事务的协商服务,尽力满足客户需求。公司践
                            Developing materials procurement and management plan, covering material quality, inspection of incoming merchandise, and   行对市民及政府的承诺,以实际行动传承“与您同心筑家同行”的客户理念。
                            project management, etc
                            Providing considerate services through targeted communication with all suppliers by conducting conversations with them one by one                                     上海青浦崧泽华城“客户关系中心”
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Customer Relations Center of Shanghai Qingpu Song
                                                                                                                                       Creating China's First Customer Relationship Centre of Affordable Housing   Zehua City
                            实施“样板封样”,进场验收和抽检制度,保障材料质量                                                                                     Construction of affordable housing is to meet the housing needs of low-income groups, which is related to people's livelihood.
                            组织承建商会审图纸、审查承建商专项施工方案                                                                                      When working on the construction of Shanghai Qingpu Song Zehua City project at the beginning, China Construction Dongfu Company
                            明确施工控制要点,落实施工交底制度、旁站监理制度、工序控制验收制度                                                                          established the first Customer Relations Center for national affordable housing at the standard higher than commercial houses. The
                 施工         推行实测实量工作,用仪器和设备精细测量在建项目的结构、砌体、抹灰、防水、安装工程质量                                                                 Customer Relations Center Serves related residents by solving a variety of problems in house delivery, and providing residents with
                            Implementing model like closure, site acceptance and sampling system to guarantee the quality of materials
              Construction                                                                                                             consultation services on property-related matters to meet their needs. The company practices its commitment to the public and the
                            Making contractors examine drawings, reviewing their special construction programs
                            Making explicit construction control, implementing disclosure system, side supervision systems, process control and acceptance   municipal government, acting in accordance with the philosophy of building homes with customers together with a concerted mind.
                            Implementing the measured amount of real work. Fine instruments and equipment are used to measure the quality of projects
                            under construction, masonry, plastering, waterproofing, and installation engineering
                            依据《工程竣工质量验收移交工作指引》,督促承建商开展自查                                                                           舒心住房                                               Living Comfortably
                 竣工         开展多轮内部验收                                                                                                                                                     We improve the property service management platform,
               Completion   Urging constructors to conduct self check according to the Project Completion Quality Acceptance Guidelines  我们完善物业服务管理平台建设,健全物业服务管理                      improve the property service management system, strengthen
                            Conducting rounds of internal acceptance checks
                                                                                                                                   制度,增强社区沟通,为客户提供满意服务,持续提升客                          community communication to provide customers with satisfactory
                                                                                                                                   户满意度。我们深入思考客户的个性化需求,探索客户的                          service and enhance customer satisfaction. We think deeply about
            提供放心服务                                             Providing Reliable Services                                                                                            the personalized needs of customers by exploring the potential needs
                                                                                                                                   潜在需求,主动为客户提供差异化的增值服务。                              of customers and taking the initiative to provide differentiated value-
                                                                  We continue to enhance customer service management, and strive
                我们持续加强客户服务管理,用至诚的服务精神和专                                                                                                我们编制《崇尚自然 敬畏生命——环境因素和危险识                       added services to our customers.
                                                               to provide comfortable home purchasing and housing experience with a                                                      We worked out the Handbook of Identification and Evaluation
            业的服务态度,努力为客户提供舒心的购房和住房体验。                          sincere spirit of service and professional attitude in service.     别评价手册》,组织各下属公司进行环境因素危险源的识
                                                                                                                                                                                     on Environmental Factors and Hazards. We organized subsidiary
                                                               Customer Service Management                                         别和评价,主动向客户提供房屋使用信息,明确危险源和                          companies to identify and evaluate the environmental factors and
            客户服务管理                                                                                                                                                                    hazards before providing housing information clarifying the source
                                                                  We have established Customer Relations Department with           危险处所,配备高科技安全设施,保障客户住房安全。
                我们成立客户关系部,建立完善的客户服务管理体系,                       an improved customer service management system. Through the                                                            of hazards and dangerous places. The houses are equipped with
            通过精细化的前端服务与持续的售后关怀,开展品牌化、                          refinement of the front-end service and ongoing after-sales care, we    我们为客户提供基础办公、便利支援、社会热点及生                        high-tech security facilities to ensure the safety of customers’ living
                                                               provide branding and systematic customer services in an effort to   活服务信息、物业顾问咨询等,为客户提供增值服务,全
                                                                                                                                                                                         We provide customers with value-added services to meet
            系统性的客户服务;着力提升一线客户服务人员的服务能                          improve service capacity and the level of frontline customer service   方位满足客户需求。                                       customers’ demands in all respects by offering information on basic
            力和水平,组织客户服务人员参加资格认证。                               staff, and encourage customer service personnel to engage in                                                           offices, convenience, social hot spots, life services, and property
                我们加强投诉管理,借助 CRM 系统跟进客户沟通与                         We have strengthened the management of complaints with the                                                          management consultation.
            信息统计,丰富客户投诉渠道,及时有效解决住房投诉。                          CRM system to follow up customer communication and information       案例 CASE
                                                               statistics, and expand customer complaint channels so as to timely
            2013 年,物业服务投诉解决率为 98%。
                                                               and effectively solve the housing complaints. In 2013, property         中海物业增值服务平台                                     Value-added Service Platform of Zhonghai Property
                                                               service solved 98% of all complaints.
            安心购房                                                                                                                          中海物业增值服务以中海物业社区电子服务平台                           Zhonghai Property’s value-added services, which are based
                                                               House-purchasing Reassurance                                                                                           on its community electronic services platform, conduct online and
                我们主动向客户披露项目信息,全力保障客户购房的                                                                                                为依托,在线上、线下同时开展业务,陆续推出净水器、                      offline business at the same time, and launch group purchase
                                                                  We take the initiative to reveal information of projects to
            合法权益;主动告知项目周边的不利因素,保护客户的知                          customers to protect the legitimate rights and interests of house-      有机大米等亲民商品的团购优惠活动。中海物业着重                        discount activities such as group purchases on water purifiers,
                                                               buyers. We also take the initiative to inform customers of unfavorable                                                 organic rice and so on. Zhonghai Property focused on customers’
            情权,让客户安心购房。                                                                                                                关注客户的生活价值和生活态度,经营重心从满足常                        life value and their attitudes of life, shifting management
                                                               factors of the project to protect the customer's right to know so that
                我们向客户提供透明、清晰的产品资讯,在销售现场通                       customers will feel at ease when buying houses.                         规物业服务需求转移到专注客户潜在需求和物业服务                        emphasis from meeting the basic demand of property services
                                                                  We provide our customers with transparent and clear product                                                         to meeting their potential needs and value-added property
            过展示、演示等方式进行说明;通过微博、微信等新媒体及时                                                                                                增值的深耕上,通过归集、挖掘、甚至创造客户的个
                                                               information by conducting displays and demonstrations in sales                                                         services. We continue to improve customer satisfaction through
            发布传递楼盘信息,方便客户第一时间掌握相关资讯。                           activities. We also release information of houses to customers          性化需求并提供针对性的解决方案,持续提升客户满                        collecting, digging, and even creating the personalized needs of
                                                               through such media as Weibo (The Chinese version of twitter ),          意度。                                            our customers with corresponding solutions.
                                                               Wechat, and so on to ensure that customers will be the first to be
                                                               noted the relevant information.

            40  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                                                                                                                             共筑WEllBET手机吉祥官网家园·Building a Common Dream Home  41
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