





Page 25 - shehuizeren2013
P. 25

合规·诚信·增长 筑股东价值之梦
 Compliance • Integrity • Development  Realizing the Shareholders’ Dream of Value


                China Construction sticks to compliance management, complies with business morals, involves in an honest, steady and efficient operation
            and enhances the foundation of sustainable development. Moreover, the company makes a sound system to protect shareholders’ rights and
            interests, publishes real, detailed, accurate and timely information about the enterprise and strengthens profitability, making great performance
            to create value with shareholders.

            O     优化公司治理

                  ptimize Corporate Governance
 D 利益相关方的WEllBET手机吉祥官网

 reams of Stakeholders
                                                                  According to the laws and regulations such as Corporate Law
                                                               and Securities Law, we build a corporate governance structure,
                                                               including shareholders' meetings, board of directors, board of
            人治理结构。董事会下设战略委员会、审计委员会、人事                          supervisors, management teams and functional departments. The
                                                               board of directors includes strategy committee, audit committee as
 “能够参与公司的决策和运营是我们对公司美好前景充满信心的前提保证。”                            well as personnel and compensation committee. Each having their
            会权责分明、各司其职,按照明确的议事规则和工作程序                          clear defined power and responsibility, the Shareholders' meetings,
 “我们乐于看到公司持续保持强劲的增长能力和增长势头。”                                   board of directors and board of supervisors operate effectively and
 “远离黑箱操作,以信息透明降低我们的‘不确定感’。”                                    coordinately according to the rules of debate and procedure.
 “WEllBET手机吉祥官网(集团)有限责任公司的‘五化’战略符合未来企业的发展方向,希望公司能继续深耕细作,并及时通知情况。”   Shareholders’General Meeting
 “Getting involved in decision-making and operating is the prerequisite for our confidence in the prospect of the enterprise.”  Strategy Committee
 “We are happy to see the enterprise maintaining a great momentum and a sustained growth.”  审计委员会
 “Keep staying away from black box operation and make information transparent so as to make us feel less uncertain.”  Auditing Committee  董事会  监事会
 “Improve risk control system on all fronts to make investment more secured.”  Office of The Board  Supervision Commitee
 “We hope that the enterprise can keep complying with state laws and regulations because this is the basic guarantee of   人事与薪酬委员会
                   Personnel and
 sustainable development.”  Remuneration Committee
 “The ‘five-improvement’ strategy of CSCEC accords with the direction of the enterprise, so keep cultivating in this area and   经营层
 keep us informed.”                                   Management Level

                                                    Functional Organisations

            U     坚持诚信经营

                  phold Honest Operation

                我们严守国家法律法规、国际惯例和商业道德,不断                           We strictly obey the state laws and regulations as well as
                                                               the international customs, have business morals, keep improving
                                                               management system and lay a solid credit foundation based on
            基础的重要手段,以长效信息披露机制促进信息全面公开,                         compliance management and internal audit. On the top of that,
                                                               we make information fully public by the long-term mechanism of
                                                               information disclosure, keep ourselves under the supervision of
                                                               shareholders and promote integrity management.

 22  拓展幸福空间·Expanding a Happy Living Environment                                 共筑WEllBET手机吉祥官网家园·Building a Common Dream Home  23
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